Plasma Technology Reduces Cut-to-Cut Cycle Times
The Rapid Part technology used in Hypertherm’s Integrated Plasma Cutting Solutions is designed to reduce cut-to-cut cycle time without operator intervention, for increased productivity.
The Rapid Part technology used in Hypertherm’s Integrated Plasma Cutting Solutions is designed to reduce cut-to-cut cycle time without operator intervention, for increased productivity.
When a cut is completed in a conventional plasma setup, the torch retracts from the plate by several inches. After moving to the next pierce location, the torch then performs initial height sensing (IHS) and pre-flows the gases for piercing. This commonly adds up to 6-7 sec for each cut-to-cut cycle, the company says. Components of its system target the four aspects of the total cutting process that cause longer cycle times: torch retract, IHS, table motion and gas pre-flow.
ProNest 2010 nesting and process optimization software is used to program optimized table motion instructions to minimize the chance of torch collisions, unnecessary torch Z-axis motion, and the distance between the end of one cut and the pierce on the next part. IHS is skipped intelligently.
ArcGlide THC uses rapid vertical (Z-axis) motion to retract the torch to the next pierce height, based on material and part properties, and features automatic rapid-to-slow speed crossover calibration. IHS again is skipped intelligently, based on part geometry and nest configuration.
EdgePro and MicroEdge Pro CNC execute the optimized motion routines defined by ProNest 2010 and automatically communicate the optimal torch height control settings to the ArcGlide THC and instruct it when to retract to the next pierce height. It also instructs the HPRXD plasma system to pre-flow gases during table motion. HPRXD is designed to fire the torch quickly and eliminate long purge cycles.