Monitor Shopfloor Activity
Distributed by Shop Floor Automations, the fully automated Predator MDC allows users to monitor machine activity, track jobs and manage personnel. The release of v8. 0 is said to be faster, easier and more comprehensive than previous versions.
Hwacheon Machinery America, Inc.
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View MoreDistributed by Shop Floor Automations, the fully automated Predator MDC allows users to monitor machine activity, track jobs and manage personnel. The release of v8.0 is said to be faster, easier and more comprehensive than previous versions.
The update includes 326 new reports and charts as well as 320 improved reports and charts from the previous versions. This chart diversity increases functionality and productivity on the shop floor, the company says.
New features include support for Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 64 Bit, Microsoft Office Access 2007 and Oracle Database 11g. The software has also been redesigned to support multiple languages with a single executable file. This simplifies releases by allowing worldwide manufacturers to run the same version in all their locations.
The machine timeline chart allows users to keep track of jobs, parts, operations and status in real-time. In addition, a machine and job status panel have been added to provide real-time snapshot of shopfloor activity. The panel continually updates to provide a current summary of the number of machines in use as well as jobs pending or in progress and the status of each. Manufacturing data collection is said to be simple and accurate.
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