
Lightweight Robotic Spindles Designed for High Precision

Dynomax’s DynoSpindle model 1860 is a compact, high-speed, motorized, robotic spindle designed for finishing operations.


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Dynomax’s DynoSpindle model 1860 is a compact, high-speed, motorized, robotic spindle designed for finishing operations in the medical, dental, automotive, ceramic, glass, consumer products and other high-precision industries. It features a high-torque, 2.5-hp motor available at maximum speeds of 30,000, 40,000 or 60,000 rpm to increase accuracy and productivity.
The 12-lb (5.5-kg) spindle features a small profile for use in tight areas. It is suited for a variety of robotic and non-robotic applications, including deburring, polishing and light machining of products such as dentures, prosthetics, glass, pottery, industrial ceramics and wood working.
The spindle is equipped with standard collet toolholders and an air-purge bearing-protection system designed to increase spindle life and mean time between failures. It can be air or liquid cooled, and features several mounting options for use in a variety of configurations and applications. 
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