Hobbing Tool Provides Uniform Chamfers on Gear Teeth, Star SU LLC
According to the company, this type of hob tool is designed for hobbing precise, uniform chamfers on the end faces of gear teeth. The company says they have developed a hob cutter that can place a precise, uniform edge chamfer from the outside diameter, down the flank of the gear tooth into the root radius and up the adjacent tooth flank. This design, the company claims, makes it possible to achieve high precision, measurable, uniform edge chamfers without high rejection rates.
The process is incorporated into the normal tooth hobbing operation and, the company states, takes less than one minute per side. The chamfering hob is mounted on the same spindle as the tooth-cutting hob and shifts into chamfering position when the tooth cutting is completed. The chamfer hob requires a CNC 6 axis gear hobbing machine.
As long as provisions have been made to mount two hobs on one arbor and no interferences exist between the chamfer hob and the work fixture, the company says their hob tool provides a solution to uniform edge chamfer.