Dressing And Truing Spindles
The company's DTS spindles are units that drive diamond-truing rolls. They are intended to produce and maintain precision contours in grinding wheels.
The spindles are said to be rigid and precise and are manufactured with shaft runouts under 0.00005" (1.3 microns). These spindles are compact in size, allowing the units to fit on machines where many hydraulic and other electric spindles cannot fit, the company says. The spindles are also lightweight, permitting the spindles to function as portable units.
Despite their compactness, the spindles are said to have high torque and a broad speed range. The drive packages offered with the spindle permit the speed and direction to be selected manually or by CNC or PLC. The commanded speed is maintained through closed-loop velocity control.
The spindles operate with positive internal air pressure. According to the company, by maintaining positive pressure within the unit, these spindles are capable of withstanding the coolant-flooded environments of today's grinding machines. Clean and regulated air is supplied to the unit through the spindle cable, requiring only one connection to the spindle.
The DTS drive packages are powered from a 50-60 Hz, 90-270 vac, single or three phase power source. Custom configurations and numerous options are available to accommodate various applications on almost any grinder make or model, the company says.