
CAM Software Features Milling, Modeling Updates

SmartCAMcnc offers version 19.0 of its SmartCAM software, which features improved milling functionality along with modeling and usability enhancements.


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SmartCAMcnc offers version 19.0 of its SmartCAM software, which features improved milling functionality along with modeling and usability enhancements. The region roughing process offers a new part offset roughing pattern strategy. This roughing method generates multiple offset profiling passes on any region configuration, including open and closed regions, with or without islands and voids. Roughing passes progress from open stock boundaries and closed region centers toward the part profile. The resulting tool path maintains the specified cut direction relative to both the material and the part profile, the company says.
When a spiral stay-down roughing option is enabled, the stay-down behavior navigates from one “pinched off” region to another without retracting the tool and re-entering the stock, the company says. The resulting tool path is said to typically contain one initial ramp to depth with the tool remaining at the cut level for the entire region, eliminating multiple retract and re-entry moves.
Additional modeling capacities include a user region function that enables wireframe machining regions to be defined using any combination of part and stock profiles. User-defined region sets can be passed to the region rough process for machining using the captured part and stock definition.

The FreeForm Machining milling application features a boundary surface creation method that enables covering model voids and holes to exclude them during solid and surface machining processes. The model checking and healing functionality is available in all SmartCAM applications when opening and merging CAD models, and a model validation tool provides improved access to the healing and reporting functionality. 

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Pat Mooney Saws
DN Solutions