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2018 Top Shops Survey Now Live

The online machine shop benchmarking survey will stay open through February 2018. 


Modern Machine Shop’s eighth-annual Top Shops benchmarking survey is now live at and will remain open through the end of February 2018. This survey enables shops of all types and sizes to see how their operations compare with leading U.S. machining companies in terms of machining technology, shopfloor practices, business strategies and human resources/workforce development.

By participating in the survey, respondents will receive a custom report that ranks their individual responses to the survey’s quantitative questions against other survey participants, enabling them to more effectively identify and prioritize their shop’s improvement efforts. They will also have the chance to be chosen as a Top Shops Honors Program winner and be profiled in a future issue of Modern Machine Shop.

Email Derek Korn, Executive Editor, at for any questions about the survey.

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