man looking at machine monitoring program on an iPad Source: Heidenhain Corporation

The Multi-Shop View: How to Apply Machine Monitoring Across Multiple Machining Facilities

August 09, 2022 |

As the market becomes more competitive globally, being able to show your company valuable data about your process helps to keep you profitable.

As the market becomes more competitive globally, being able to show your company valuable data about your process helps to keep you profitable. Companies with more than one plant in different locations of the world can now monitor their entire system. In this webinar, Heidenhain presents their solution to connect machine controls for monitoring live machine uptime and to archive data for future analysis. Their StateMonitor is a machine data acquisition (MDA) software that allows you to connect to both Heidenhain and non-Heidenhain controls. Heidenhain’s PlantMonitor combines the data from each StateMonitor into one application for more transparency into your plants. Their software can connect up to other known industry protocols such as MTConnect, OPCUA and Modbus. We also have the capability of connecting our StateMonitor to an SQLServer which can then interface to other MES/ERP platforms for data analysis.


  • Learn about PlantMonitor and how it can help facilities connect their plants together
  • Review comprehensive machine monitoring analytics from PlantMonitor
  • Review new features and additions to both PlantMonitor and StateMonitor, including job management, maintenance manager and signals
Presenter 1

Presenter 1:

Joseph Pizzoferrato

TNC Product Specialist and NC Trainer

Joseph has been with Heidenhain for six years, now as an NC trainer on TNC controls and as a TNC product specialist. He has spent these years learning and teaching companies about the power and benefits that the TNC control can offer their current processes. He is known as one of the experts on the control with over 100 training classes under his belt and continues his knowledge daily on the control.

All content on this page is provided by the presenting company.