QualiChem Metalworking Fluids

Servo Feed Reduces Scrap When Stamping Circular Blanks

Fabtech 2017: Dallas Industries will feature its Zig-Zag servo feed for minimizing material scrap when running circle blanks.


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Dallas Industries will feature its Zig-Zag servo feed for minimizing material scrap when running circle blanks. It has a one-, two- or three-out capacity, and the servo feed index cycle is made simultaneous with the cross-slide lateral travel, producing a diagonal stock movement in the automatic mode. The combination of the cross-slide lateral travel and diagonal stock movement minimizes the scrap generated when stamping out circles. 

The manual mode has forward and reverse indexing and cross-travel indexing. The absolute feedback of the cross-slide eliminates the need for homing, so the feed is ready at power-up. The servo is mounted on a linear bushing support base that travels perpendicular to the stock flow on case-hardened guideways. It is designed to provide optimized strip advance and lateral length based on material width, blank diameter and web thickness.

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