Smart Machine Forum

An Insider’s Tips on IMTS

The man who organizes IMTS shares some thoughts on what to see.  


Peter Eelman, chief experience officer for AMT, says one of the goals that he and his team have when it comes to organizing an IMTS is to make the next one better and different than the last one. So even if you were here in 2022, it will be a new experience.
Source: AMT

Whether this is your first IMTS or you’re a veteran of the event, that initial encounter of the Grand Concourse—that sizable space between the South and North Halls—is one that you can’t help but be impressed by. There is a vibe of excitement among the hundreds of people who are professionally catching up with one another or consulting their MyShow Planner to get to their next exhibit.

To get a bit of insight on things that you’re not going want to miss, we caught up with Peter Eelman, Chief Experience Officer for AMT—a man who has been orchestrating IMTS shows since 1996.

That Grand Concourse is the location of the Main Stage, what Eelman describes as “the hub of activity for the entire week.”

Throughout the day—every day, from before the show opens until after it closes—there is a variety of presentations on the Main Stage. Keynote speeches, presentations, live broadcasts, and other activities.

Deeper Dive

And because there is a recognition that sometimes you can hear someone make a presentation but want to get more details, in the South Hall there is what is called the “After Words” Stage, where some of the Main Stage presenters will make themselves available for a deeper dive.

The South Hall also contains the “Creators Lounge,” which Eelman says features live podcasts and interviews. He describes it as “a general excitement hall.”

Emerging Tech

In the lobby area of the North Hall you’ll find the AMT Emerging Technology Center. Here you can get a first-hand look at a submersible developed through the BlueForge Alliance, a non-profit organization that partners with the U.S. Navy and the submarine supply base—both existing suppliers and new ones—to help develop the manufacturing infrastructure necessary for producing next-gen submarines.

Inside the North Hall, which has a major focus on automation, there’s the SPS (Smart Production Solutions) Stage, which, not surprisingly, will feature presentations focused on automation.

About Additive

Then, in the West Hall, there’s the AM4U stage. Yes, West has a major focus on additive manufacturing—a.k.a., “AM”—so here, Eelman says there will be presentations throughout the show on all aspects of that increasingly important topic.

Finally, the East Hall. There you’ll find the Smartforce Student Summit. While you may not be a student, and while what is going on in that space is focused on the next generation of manufacturing personnel, Eelman says, “We find that IMTS attendees find it to be tremendously interesting—it is just a cool place.” That space includes a huge concentration on the latest in technology.

Catch a Break

OK. You’ve spent time walking the floor, visiting exhibitors, listening to presentations.

And you’re hungry.

“All of the McCormick Place food outlets are new for the show. All of the outlets have been updated, changed, refreshed,” Eelman says. “Probably the only thing you’ll recognize is Starbucks.”

Eelman says the options range from grab-and-go to sit-down venues.

There is one place where there is not only a selection of food vendors, but that has a great view.

The East Hall is also known as “Lakeside Center” because it is located on the shore of Lake Michigan.

Eelman says there is a deck with something of a festival atmosphere where people can eat while catching a breeze off of the lake.

After all, with all of the action on the inside, it is nice to get out in the open air.

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