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Gear-Shaping Tools with Replaceable Inserts

Liebherr Gear Technology offers a range of new gear-shaping tools with replaceable inserts; galvanized cubic boron nitride (CBN) grinding tools for generating and profile grinding; shaving cutters; rolling tools, such as rolling discs and rolling racks; deburring tools for press-deburring; master gears; and rack-shape cutters.


Liebherr Gear Technology offers a range of new gear-shaping tools with replaceable inserts; galvanized cubic boron nitride (CBN) grinding tools for generating and profile grinding; shaving cutters; rolling tools, such as rolling discs and rolling racks; deburring tools for press-deburring; master gears; and rack-shape cutters. All products are available in a wide range of custom specifications, the company says.

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