Multi-axis machining with Fusion

NC Simulation Software Includes New Features

Smart Manufacturing Experience 2018: Spring Technologies will demonstrate its NCSIMUL NC software package and launch the latest version.


Spring Technologies will demonstrate its NCSIMUL NC software package and launch the latest version, which is designed to provide easy, flexible and automated control over the machining process for manufacturers moving to Industry 4.0. It will also highlight its Machine, 4CAM, OptiTool and NCDoc NC software modules.

Newer features of the software and 4CAM module include probing strategies; support for turning after milling and one-click NC machine turnaround; cutting tool management with 3D definitions; one-click project update; project export/import; automatic performance analysis; and automatic graphic detection of machining risk zones and less-than-optimal cutting conditions. Improvements in the OptiTool module include algorithms that transform working feed rates into rapid feed rates or specified maximum feed rates for approach and retract motions in both circular and linear tool paths. The software’s Air Cutting Optimization mode can reduce machining times by as much as 25 percent by minimizing air cutting motions and optimizing entry and exit feed rates. This can also save time on existing programs.

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