Workholding from Mate Precision Technologies

Drill Sharpener Features New Chuck Attachment

Darex introduces the first of several new attachments for its XT-3000 Xpandable tool sharpener, which sharpens a variety of drills and cutting tools. The new chuck allows users to accurately grip common shank diameter and Morse taper drills to expand the range of cutting tools that the user can re-sharpen.


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Darex introduces the first of several new attachments for its XT-3000 Xpandable tool sharpener, which sharpens a variety of drills and cutting tools. The new chuck allows users to accurately grip common shank diameter and Morse taper drills to expand the range of cutting tools that the user can re-sharpen. Sometimes called end mill shank drills, this type of drill needs re-sharpening just like standard drills. The chuck can sharpen drills with diameters between 3 and 12 mm quickly and accurately, the company says.

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