
Universal Compact Cams Offered for Range of Applications

Dayton Progress, a division of DaytonLamina, offers the LamCam line of universal compact cams, including 13 series of aerial and die-mount universal cams.


Dayton Progress, a division of DaytonLamina, offers the LamCam line of universal compact cams, including 13 series of aerial and die-mount universal cams. The comprehensive line includes cams for applications ranging from low-volume, light-duty to high-volume, heavy-duty. Widths ranging from 50 to 600 mm are available, each with footprints common to other cam manufacturers. They are available with single or double wear plates for ease of maintenance, and either mechanical or nitrogen spring return. A V-guidance system provides precision guiding. According to the company, the cams are well-suited for piercing, flanging and trimming operations.

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